Primeros Pasos
Mu tiene comandos y teclas de acceso directo simples y fáciles de aprender para el jugador novato. Se puede acceder a comandos y acciones importantes usando unas pocas teclas o en la propia interfaz del juego.
Interface del Juego

General Key Functions
Left Mouse Button : | Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options |
Right Mouse Button : | Use spells or skills |
[Ctrl] + Mouse Button : | PK Attack |
F1 : | Help |
F2 : | Dialogue toggle |
F3 : | Toggle whispering on chat mode |
F4 : | Adjust chatting window size |
F5 : | Toggles MUssenger chatting window when receiving incoming message |
F6 : | Hides MUssenger chatting window |
Enter : | Open chatting window |
D : | Automatic Commands |
M or /Move : | Move between maps or worlds |
C : | Character statistics |
I or V : | Inventory |
Q : | Default shortcut key for healing items |
W : | Default shortcut key for mana recovery items |
E : | Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items |
F : | Toggles MUssenger |
Shift : | Hold character in position |
[Ctrl] + Number : | Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9 |
Number #1-9 : | Select bound Skill/Spell |
[Alt] : | Display item names on the ground |
[Alt] + Left Mouse Button : | Individual selection of items on the ground |
Spacebar : | Automatic pickup of items on the ground |
Print Screen : | Screen capture /Take Screenshot |
/<Item Name> : | View item information (case sensitive), F1 toggles window off |
/Request <on/off> : | Toggles requests for deals, party and trade on and off |
/Duel (pointing at player): | Challenges the other player to a duel |
Party Commands
/Party (pointing at player) : | Create a Party; invite people to current party |
P : | Party setup window |
Chatting Functions
[Tab] : | Switch between chat and ID box |
Right Click on message : | Capture whispering ID |
Up and Down Keys : | View chatting history |
Page Up and Page Down : | Scroll message |
~ <message> : | Send Party message |
@ <message> : | Send Guild message |
@@ <message>: | Sends a message to the alliance |
# <message> : | Make message appear longer |
/filter (word1) (word2) : | View messages with specified word(s) (case sensitive) * |
To turn off type /filter without any words attached |
/Trade : | Initiate Trade |
Guild Commands
/Guild (pointing at player): | Request a Guild Master to accept you into the guild |
G : | Guild menu |
@> <message> : | Post message to guild members (Guild Master function) |
/War <guildname> : | Declare a guild duel |
/Battlesoccer <guildname> : | Challenges opposing guild to Battle Soccer |